Jan 2, 2015

265 Meal Challenge

I'm not one to set resolutions for the new year, but as 2014 had been a pretty fantastic year, I wanted to make a challenge for myself, for 2015.

This past year, I've started to really enjoy cooking.  There is just something so relaxing about it.  So, I decided to incorporate my newfound interest in cooking with a personal challenge.

My challenge is to cook 265 meals this year - old, new, breakfasts, lunches and/or dinners.  And of course, I'll aim to cook as healthy as possible (but who am I kidding, I do love a good pizza).  That leaves 100 days for meals out, holidays, and just the odd time that we like to order in.  By jotting it all down in this little spot on the internet, I am hoping that it will hold me accountable to actually doing it.

I am a total beginner - a rookie cook.  And so I am hoping that this challenge will give me some fresh new moves in the kitchen.

Seeing as Jan 1st was already a day off from cooking, today marks Meal 1.

Chicken Stirfry

I pretty much eyeballed everything and so I don't have any measurements. 

First, some extra virgin olive oil was heated up in a frying pan, before adding the chicken.  Some chives and garlic went in next, along with some yellow onions; letting it cook all together. 

While the chicken was cooking, I chopped some fresh veggies.  Broccoli, red and orange pepper, red onion and  brussel sprouts.  Since both Ken and I are big fans of onion, I added some green onion to the mix.  

Once all chopped, the veggies were added to the chicken, along with VH Orange Ginger sauce. 

 After letting it all simmer together for about 5 minutes, we put it into bowls and enjoyed!  

The fact that this whole dinner took only 15 minutes to make, is the cherry on top... especially since the puck was about to drop on the Team Canada game!!