Feb 21, 2015

#21 Latkes & Snowy Saturdays

Well, last week was a bit of a bust on the cooking front!  Between dinners out, being at the cottage and not feeling well - not many meals were made.  But, I did manage to try out some potato pancakes, or latkes, as they are also know as.

My mom makes the best potato pancakes, so I asked her for her recipe.  Here's what I did (for 2 people)...

You'll need:

4 medium sized potatoes
3 tbsp flour
1 egg
Pinch of salt & pepper
Vegetable Oil for frying

1. Peel the potatoes then shred them into a bowl
2. Add egg, flour, salt & pepper and mix. 

3. Pour oil into a pan and heat
4. Scoop the potato mixture into the pan - let it sizzle!

5.  When one side is brown, flip.

7.  Once both sides are brown, they are ready.  Serve!  I personally like them with apple sauce, but Ken enjoyed them with ketchup.

Since today was such a beautiful snowy day, we decided to go for a hike on a nearby trail.  Although I'm pretty much done with winter, the snow really was pretty and the hike was a great way to start the day!

xo Jess

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