Chicken Broth Garlic Potatoes
You'll need:
4 Potatoes
Chicken Broth (I used 1 cup)
4 cloves of garlic, grated
2. Lay potatoes down in pan - I used two as my pans were not large enough to fit all the slices
3. Mix it the grated garlic with the chicken broth, and warm it in a saucepan
4. Drizzle the warmed garlic/chicken broth over the potatoes, finishing with about an inch of broth on the bottom
5. Put a piece of butter on top of each potato slice
6. Slide into a pre-warmed oven (350 degrees) for 40 minutes
Italian Chicken
I am not a huge chicken enthusiast, but I am always looking for ways to make it a bit more interesting. I stumbled upon this recipe and decided to give it a try.
You'll need:
1lb chicken filets
1/2 bottle of Italian dressing (yes, the salad dressing!)
4 tsp of honey

2. Put chicken & marinate into a frying pan. It should be very 'saucy' - this is ok!
3. Let the chicken and marinate cook together in the frying pan for approximately 40 minutes. Keep an eye on it, flipping the chicken consistently.
4. The marinate will thicken and stick to the chicken after a while. The chicken will brown very nicely with this marinate.
We took our chicken out of the pan after 25 minutes b/c my timing was off with the potatoes. The chicken was good, but not browned as much as I would have liked. But, this way - we got to eat everything all together...
For the Broccoli - I just boiled a cup for 5 minutes, before draining and adding some butter and pepper.
Done and done!